
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace with Dr. Andrea Hendricks

November 1, 2018

Dr. Andrea Henricks is a resident of Kansas City. She earned degrees in Human Development Psychology and Mass Communications and a Master’s of Science in Consulting Psychology from Kansas State. She then went on to earn her doctorate in Educational Psychology and Policy Analysis from Missouri University.

For the past 25 years, her work has included collaborating with leaders in education, diversity, and organizational development.

During her career, she has presented at workshops, diversity seminars, and leadership development forums, including the FBI Diversity Conference, Friends of the Urban League Advisory Board, and the Diversity Business Council of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. She is a member of the Central Exchange, Black Achievers of Kansas City, the United Way Women’s Leadership Council, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and many more.

In 2003, she received the Greater Kansas City Mayors Citizen of the Month award. In 2008, she was inducted into the Black Achievers Society of Kansas City, and in 2013 received the NAACP of Kansas City community leader award.

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